Punta del Este, Uruguay
November 19 - 21 2024

Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunities

Showcase your organization and build your brand as an Energy Summit Sponsor.

Sponsorship provides high exposure before an audience of industry leaders and decisionmakers and shows your commitment to providing high quality content and meaningful connections.

Benefits by Level Diamond
Logo with link to company URL on event’s website
Logo on sponsor page in printed event program
Logo on on-site signage throughout event
Logo on walk-in slides during opening session and breaks
Logo on email blasts sent to AAPG’s mailing list    
Logo with hyperlink on scrolling banner on homepage      
Advertisement in Program Book Full Page Half Page Quarter Page        
Complimentary Full Conference Registration(s) 5 (five) 3 (three) 2 (two) 1 (one)      
Access to Sponsorship Items ☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆ ☆☆    

Sponsorship Items

Personalize your sponsorship and maximize your impact by choosing one or more sponsorship items.

Sponsorship items are available to companies who sponsor at the Diamond, Platinum, Gold, and Silver Sponsorship Levels and the sponsorship level determines the number of stars available.

Redeem your sum of stars for one or more items. Items are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis

1Sponsor to provide and deliver all exclusive items to the event venue.
2Includes additional signage recognizing sponsor’s contribution.
3Company logo (full color) on individual slide in welcome PowerPoint slides recognizing Audiovisuals Sponsorship.

Pens1 (Exclusive)
Notepads1 (exclusive)
Hydration Station (3 available)
Coworking Area2 ☆☆
Audiovisuals3 ☆☆
IP Theatre2 ☆☆
Luncheon2 ☆☆
Directional Signage2 (shared; 2 available) ☆☆
B2B Meeting Rooms2 (exclusive) ☆☆☆
Event Bags for Attendees (exclusive) ☆☆☆
Wi-Fi2 (exclusive) ☆☆☆
4 Coffee Breaks ☆☆☆
Program2 (exclusive) ☆☆☆
Registration2 (exclusive) ☆☆☆☆
Lanyards2 (exclusive) ☆☆☆☆
Reception2 (2 availble) ☆☆☆☆


Emily Smith Llinás
Emily Smith LlinásAAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region Director[email protected]
Alejandra López Díaz
Alejandra López DíazAAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region Marketing & Events Coordinator[email protected]
Gina Godfrey
Gina GodfreyInternational Pavilion Manager[email protected]